Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Notice
Top Radio is an online directory of various music and radio stations accessible via the internet. We provide links to a myriad of stations offering diverse genres, facilitating an easier search process for users seeking suitable radio stations. Please note, we do not broadcast copyrighted content or any form of streaming media, except for information related to the stations and links to their official websites.
All copyrights or ownership of any streamed content belong to the respective broadcasters, not Top Radio. Users must comply with the terms and conditions specified by the station owners. We adhere strictly to the privacy policies of broadcasters. Please note, some stations do not permit broadcasting outside of their site; in such cases, we use a pop-up window media player directed at their site.
If you are the owner of any content broadcasted on a radio station listed on our site and wish to have it removed, kindly contact us via email. We respect all copyright laws and are committed to addressing any issues promptly.